Time for that new year post…….reflection and vision.
Best wishes for a magnificent New Year!
May all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round!
As I look back for the last year.
I am grateful that my daughter went to take the covid test earlier as usual, so she saved her family, from the infection.
I am grateful that we manage Christmas via viber and hand over presents at the garden. Luckily, she is getting over quickly her symptoms are mild.
Grateful that my son is healthy and we spent nice holiday with him and my mother who is also healthy.
Grateful for all my connections and friends either face to face or online. I value my relationships even more than ever before. Covid bring me the teaching that what matters is health and loving, nurturing relationships.
Grateful for being healthy and able to fulfil my dreams, helping in raising up thriving kids and helping in education, learn how to learn so kids the most important life skill to prosper in life.
Grateful that I can contribute to family’s life
Grateful that I live in a nice place, quiet neighbourhood, near nature.
Grateful that I can learn from amazing teachers, coaches.
And I prepare my vision board and visualize my dreams come true and set my intention to receive it, to let it happen, to accept that I am worthy to live my dream life, and believe that I am able to reach my goals.
Astrologers are saying the first couple weeks of this January is best to prepare our plan and focus on our plan.
As I believe that intention and vision come first I share my vision meditation below.
Set your attention in key areas of life, like relationship, family, health, business, finances, adventure and fun.
What would you like your life look like in 2022? What is your desire for 2022?
How is your life with your loved ones in your dream life? What skills you need to achieve those? How you overcome your blockages to achieve it? What is really important for you?
Is great time to look inside and find answers which helps us navigate in uncertain time as we shifting to a new era.
Best wishes for a magnificent New Year! Happy and joyful 2022 no matter how the outside word appears and try to influence our daily life.
You are the captain; we are the captain of our life.
Visualization : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKIMoyiwsNE
Apologize the quality of the voice may not be the best one, although this suppose to be a meditation