The foundation of our relationship is communication.
For children, it is most important for them to feel safe, nurtured and loved.
We parents are sometimes too busy, stressed out from juggling with so many different responsibilities. Still how we can make sure that our child feels that he is being heard, being understood?
The magic key is the way we communicate.
In every communication there is a sender of the message and a receiver. Are you always acknowledge that he has been heard or start arguing immediately, saying no or giving instruction as a first response? If so, at end there must be a disappointment, and quarrel. There is another way. There is a proper way of communication, when you first acknowledge that you have heard what your kids said. So start your sentences with: yes I see, alright, understand, ok…….. than continue your sentence with your arguments.
Also to strengthen intimacy you can come up with nurturing rituals. You can set aside special time for weekend morning rituals, when you all sit around the table, no TV, no phone, no tablet, just listen and talk to each other during breakfast time.
Why communication matters? / Posted Linked In
Why the way we communicate with our child does matter?
The foundation of our relationship is communication.
How we communicate with our children? Are we aware of that?
Did we giving the acknowledgement that he has been heard, he has been accepted, he has been understood?
What would happen when we forget about these things, as being stressed out, or reacting instead of thinking?
For children, it is most important for them to feel safe, nurtured and loved.
How we can make sure we do our best to support them?
We parents are sometimes too busy, stressed out. Even though we are juggling with so many responsibilities we can make sure that our child feels that he is being heard, being understood.
The magic key is the way we communicate.
When you start arguing as an immediate response to his message, saying no, or giving instructions instead of acknowledgement the end result will be disappointment.
There is another way. Your response as a parent can make a situation better — or worse.
Study shows that: “A summary of studies involving teens and mental health problems uncovered some alarming statistics. One in 5 suburban girls in 10th grade reported significant levels of depression — three times higher than the average rate.”
There is a proper way of communication, when you first acknowledge that you have heard what your kids said. So start your sentences with: yes I see, alright, understand. That is just acknowledgement not an agreement. Being present in the moment and having eye contact also important, even if you busy, take time to be present.
Also to give more attention and strengthen intimacy you can come up with nurturing rituals. You can set aside special time for weekend morning rituals, when you all sit around the table, no TV, no phone, no tablet, just listen and talk to each other during breakfast time. Be there, be present, and stop your mind. Set aside time. Organization is very important aspect for the wellbeing of the family.